Prenatal Psychology - where Science and Spirituality meet (PDF)
This article is a synopsis of my new book: Das Tor zum Leben (The Gateway to Life), about the imprinting of pregnancy, birth and babyhood (provisorial title); it will be published in 2012.
From my lecture at the ISPPM-Conference in Frankfurt October 21.-23. 2011.
Published by Sven Hildebrandt (Hg.): Wurzeln des Lebens - die pränatale Psychologie im Kontext von Wissenschaft, Heilkunde, Geburtshilfe und Seelsorge.
Mattes Verlag, Heidelberg 2012

Summary of my German Article:"Mythen als Schüssel für unser Vorsprachliches Erleben"
(Myth as a key to our preverbal experiences), from babyhood till conception (PDF)
in: The international Journal of prenatal and perinatal Psycology and Medicine
vol. 18, 2006: 262 - 274

Prenatal Experience as a source of healing (PDF)
Introduction to my training in prenatal psychology and psychotherapy

Healing and Birth (PDF)
My work with adults to resolve the birth or the pregnancy traumata.
In: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health Vol. 19, 2005: Page 303-318

Tracing the Roots of Panic to Prenatal Trauma (PDF)
In: Leonhard J. Schmidt + Brooke Warner (eds.) 2002:
Panic, Origins, Insight and Treatment.
North Atlantic Book, Berkley California: Page 15-26

The Sunrise As The Birth Of A Baby (PDF)
The Prenatal Key to Egyptian Mythology
In Deference to the Dutch Historian of Religion, Bruno Hugo Stricker
In: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health Vol. 16, 2002: Page 215-235

The Origin of Anxiety (PDF)
Humanity: earliest Mythology reflected in pre- and perinatal experience
In: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health Vol. 17, 2002: Page 127-141
Summary of my german book "Der Ursprung der Angst": The Origin of Anxiety